Building Paper Bridges, Kitsap Regional Library
May 2013
John Wiens, a retired architect and an artist, approached the library several months ago and offered to do a program on building paper brides for children. That workshop was delivered in two parts, and involved the children learning about the history and engineering of bridges, building structural bridges out of paper, testing them to failure, and then rebuilding with improvements. The program looked like so much fun for many adults that they asked me when they would get their turn!
Although John had never planned to teach his workshop to adults, he was graciously willing to jump into something different. He shortened the workshop to one session only, and sent the adults home with a template for further experimentation at home. The adults had just as much fun learning with their hands as the kids! The were having such a good time that several other adults came in to watch us test the bridges, and even asked when the next workshop would be.
Although John had never planned to teach his workshop to adults, he was graciously willing to jump into something different. He shortened the workshop to one session only, and sent the adults home with a template for further experimentation at home. The adults had just as much fun learning with their hands as the kids! The were having such a good time that several other adults came in to watch us test the bridges, and even asked when the next workshop would be.